
by Avenu, Inc.



Unlock the lowest rate on your next mortgage, car loan, or credit card with the free IntroLend app! Experience your TransUnion® credit report as never before, with our colorful presentation and personalized tips to positively impact your score. Plus, you can protect your credit and finances with our free identity and fraud alerts that come straight to your phone. Want banks and lenders to treat you like a preferred customer? IntroLend can help!Access all these great tools just by downloading the free app...MORTGAGE PLANNERMortgage Planner is the fastest, simplest way to buy or refinance your home — at the best possible rate and terms. This amazing tool will calculate how much home you can afford, get quotes from top lenders, compare borrowing rates, terms and payment scenarios, and help you apply for the best mortgage or refi for your situation. Plus, our free credit support and ID protection tools can help lift your credit score to get a lower interest rate.CREDIT MANAGERWant the lowest rate on your next mortgage, car loan or credit card? Then use IntroLend Credit Manager to understand and optimize your credit report & score. Credit Manager provides a colorful, easy-to-read credit report — and credit score from TransUnion® — along with free, 24/7 credit monitoring. It analyzes your credit and loans, serving recommendations to help lower monthly payments. Plus, you get personalized tips to improve your credit score based on your unique credit profile. This can help lower interest rates on your next loan or credit card. Best of all, checking your credit score with this IntroLend will not affect it. Paid members get more frequent updates, added alerts, and credit monitoring across all three major credit bureaus: TransUnion®, Experian®, and Equifax®IDENTITY PROTECTORIdentity Protector helps combat identity theft, while reducing its ability to harm your finances and credit. This supports your ability to secure the best mortgage, credit card, vehicle or personal loan. Our automated system monitors your accounts and personal information, sending free alerts to your phone when a new account is opened or its credit line is increased. Other alerts include address changes on an account, or a change in employment status. Paid members get more alerts, lost wallet protection, full-service identity restoration from a dedicated, US-based team, and $1 million in identity theft insurance.DEBT OPTIMIZERDebt Optimizer analyzes and helps optimize your debt accounts. This valuable tool offers a colorful and easy-to-follow debt snapshot, along with personalized recommendations — and offers — to help lower your monthly payments. When your total monthly expenditure on debt comes down, you can qualify for a larger mortgage or car loan, as your all-important "debt-to-income” ratio (DTI) is now reduced.